
We provide research-based guidance for discerning, experienced professionals who can spot fluff. Our independence as a research firm ensures we avoid conflicts of interest, with no hidden agenda. Our mission is to identify what sets top performers apart and help IT professionals achieve success with their technology initiatives.

We collaborate with other research organizations that share our rigorous methodologies. By partnering with these organizations, we leverage existing quantitative and qualitative validated research, enhancing our efficiency and expanding the depth of our insights.

Research Approach

  1. Topic Selection: We start with a significant research question to uncover impactful, non-obvious answers.
  2. Interviews: We conduct 10 to 15 interviews with leading firms, asking open-ended questions about performance breakthroughs and how improvements were measured.
  3. Hypothesis Development: Findings from interviews are crafted into concrete hypotheses about drivers of results.
  4. Survey Design: Surveys and data collection are designed to test these specific hypotheses.
  5. Data Analysis: Statistical techniques are applied to test hypotheses and identify factors correlating with higher performance.
  6. Top Performer Differentials: Market research techniques segment the population into top, medium, and low performers, revealing factors linked to better outcomes.

Combining insights from interviews, data analysis, and our partners' validated research, we reveal key findings that are consumable, interesting, and inspiring, fostering performance breakthroughs and sustainable change.

Benchmarking Tools

We use key findings and extensive data sets to create benchmarking tools that highlight practices driving top performance levels. These tools enable IT organizations to compare their practices and performance against top, medium, and low performers, offering customized reports with specific steps for improvement.

Driven by curiosity, we strive to uncover what works, helping people make data-driven decisions and guide sustainable change for their organizations. Through our partnerships, we maximize efficiency and ensure our research is robust and comprehensive.