IT Controls Performance Benchmark

Our most popular benchmark helps you strengthen controls that have the biggest impact on both performance an compliance posture.

Now, with data on over 330 IT organizations, our analysis shows that just 12 of the 53 controls analyzed predict 60% of the performance variation in the companies studied. We also conclude that process maturity is the key that unlocks performance improvement potential of these key IT control processes.

This benchmark also includes the IT Controls Performance Study research report.  With this updated benchmark, you can compare your organization’s use and process maturity of a wide range of common IT controls, and compare your performance measures to 330 top, medium, and low performers identified in the study.

This simple benchmark asks 53 questions about the maturity of specific IT controls in the areas of access controls, change controls, release controls, configuration controls, resolution controls, and service level controls. The benchmark also covers 15 questions about specific performance measures in the areas of operations, support, security and audit, and customer satisfaction.

This is a fast but powerful tool for both top performing organizations who want to compare their results to the best, and for organizations looking for guidance on where they can focus improvements to achieve top results.

The output is a simple and compelling color coded comparison of your practices and performance to the population of North American IT organizations studied in the research.Once you submit your answers, you will have immediate online access to a 14 page customized benchmark report that shows:

  • Color coded dashboard that compares your controls and performance to study participants.
  • Scatter plot that shows your control use and performance as compared to 330 organizations.
  • Detailed comparison of Foundational Controls that differentiate top performers.
  • Detailed comparison of performance measures as compared to the top, medium, and low performers.

A .PDF copy of your benchmark report will also be e-mailed to you when you submit your answers, so you can easily distribute your results within your organization.  We recommend you use the list of questions that will be mailed with your login, to collect information from your team before you login to enter the data.

For more information about the results of the study register for a free Executive Snapshot of the updated IT Controls Performance Study.


IT Controls Performance Executive Study


IT Controls Performance Study