Production Server Virtualization Benchmark
Production Server Virtualization Benchmark
This benchmark tool is designed to compare your organization’s use of over 45 recommended server virtualization practices, 19 hard and soft performance measures, and 7 other related datacenter metrics — with 323 IT organizations that participated in the ITPI study.
Benchmarked organizations are included in one of three groups based on the extent of use of virtualization in the production environment. Your results are compared to those organizations in each group.
The output is a simple and compelling color coded comparison of your practices and performance. Once you submit your answers, you will have immediate online access to a 15 page customized benchmark report that shows:
Server consolidation practices – 11 practices recommended for those organizations virtualizing and consolidating servers in the production environment.
High availability practices – 25 practices recommended for those organizations expanding beyond serverconsolidation to use virtualization to achieve high availability objectives. Virtualization is used to move or re-provisionresources to restore service in a failover or disaster recovery scenario in an otherwise static environment.
Dynamic resource practices – 12 recommended practices for those organizations using virtualization to managepools of computing resources. Virtualization is used in an environment where rules or policies trigger resource movesor changes in a more automated environment.
Hard performance measures – 11 hard measures including analysis of which practices predict biggest improvement in performance.
Soft performance measures – 8 soft measures that gauge the impact of virtualization on agility, risk and other performance areas not easily measured with hard metrics.
Operating ratios – 8 ratios of staffing, revenue, and virtualization footprint.
Other datacenter metrics – 7 other datacenter metrics such as patch frequency, configuration match, CMDB assets, and planned maintenance.
A .PDF copy of your benchmark report will also be e-mailed to you when you submit your collected benchmark data, so you can easily distribute your results within your organization.
We recommend you use the list of questions that are available immediately upon purchase, to collect information from your team before you login to submit the data. Once received, your benchmark report will be available for review within 24 hours.
Production Server Virtualization Research Report